Hector Silva …. Special Event …. Show your Support!

Hector Silva …. Special Event …. Show your Support!

Sunday, August 13th…..Hector Silva will be in our gallery, meeting the public and signing prints.

As a resident artist of our gallery for over 10 years, Hector has consistently produced original artwork for most of our exhibitions annually. 

Over the years…Hector has confronted and overcome, many challenges in his life. Last year he was diagnosed with cancer, and underwent chemo therapy. After his treatments….we were ecstatic for him, when the cancer went into remission… : ) 

This year unfortunately, it resurfaced in another part of his body. In the next 1-2 weeks, he will undergo more aggressive treatments and an eventual long-term stay in the hospital. 

Even in the best case scenario, Hector has been told that he will temporarily loose sensation in his hands/fingers. As an artist, there is no greater challenge to overcome, than being unable to create the artwork that emanates from your soul. 

This Sunday…Hector will be signing prints and taking pictures with the public, before he turns his energy and focus, on his upcoming treatments and recovery. 

We invite you to stop by the gallery and show your support for Hector Silva. His artwork is, and will continue to be, an inspiration for countless people/artists in our community and globally, who follow his work.